Col du Galibier

Distance: 46.7 miles. Elevation: 4841 ft.

Col du Lautaret | Col du Galibier

4 Replies to “Col du Galibier”

  1. Great photography esp at summit.
    The climb up the Lauteret would have been enough for me.
    We stayed in Villeneuve at the base of the Frejus lift.

    1. Cheers Al. The scenery above Col du Lautaret was wilder and more beautiful than I’d been expecting.

      The Galibier from this side isn’t too bad – you’d be fine!

      Ah, right, it looks like Villeneuve was about 7 miles into my journey

  2. I like your photos. I cycled The Galibier in 1957 and have old photos when the only way was through the tunnel. Plus the Iseran The Vars If you want to see them let me know & I will email them. They are black & white

    1. Thanks for your comment. That’s amazing David. I’d love to see what it was like back then. That was the start of Jacques Anquetil’s era. Yes, I would like to see your photos and can put them on the site if you’re OK with that, for historical reference. I’ll send you my email address

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